The owner of a ute seen driving with flashing red and blue police lights in Dunedin earlier could face serious charges if caught.
Senior Sergeant Craig Dinnissen, of Dunedin, said a member of the public contacted police after they saw a Holden ute with red and blue flashing lights in South Dunedin last night.
Initially the motorist pulled over to the side of the road because they thought they were being pulled over but instead the ute drove straight past them, Snr Sgt Dinnissen said.
"It wasn't actually a police vehicle so there's a vehicle driving around South Dunedin with red and blue flashing lights on its dash board.''
Only police vehicles are allowed to use red and blue flashing lights and impersonating police was a serious offence, he said.
Impersonating a police officer carries a maximum penalty under the Police Act of 12 months in prison and a fine of $15,000.
Snr Sgt Dinnissen suggested whoever was using the lights might want to either destroy them or hand them into police before they were and hit with more serious penalties.
same as greymouth when police are non ///// people patrol ///it matter of being safe.........
You chose unwisely, lightfreak..
What is one to do when we have a scared bluelight