Stolen car latest in series of setbacks

A Dunedin resident "almost burst into tears" after his car was stolen last week in just his latest setback in a series of unfortunate events.

In 2015, Michael MacKay’s Cutten St flat was destroyed in a house fire.

In 2017, his Neville St flat was burgled.

Last week, his car was stolen from a car park in Dowling St.

"I was going to see my son in Cromwell this Easter. Now I can’t. It’s absolutely gutting."

But despite the setbacks, he continues to fight and bounce back against all odds.

During the past decade, Michael MacKay has experienced a house fire, burglary and now theft after...
During the past decade, Michael MacKay has experienced a house fire, burglary and now theft after his car was stolen last week. PHOTO: STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER
After losing 90% of everything he owned in the 2015 fire, including all of his identification documents, getting back on his feet was like "jumping through flaming hoops", he said.

"Standing in front of the bank teller and hearing ‘we can’t do anything’ ... I was gutted."

He said the "good people of Dunedin" helped him get security back, until 2017, when his next property, in Neville St, was burgled.

Mr MacKay returned home from work at night to find his front door open and TV gone, despite his ex-partner and her child being in the house at the time.

After the burglary, he "battled and eventually, beat depression".

Last week his recovery was tested when his Honda Accord was stolen.

"I almost burst into tears. I didn’t sleep at all that night," he said.

Mr MacKay said he was not disillusioned with Dunedin, but rather held the view that "a few bad apples should not spoil the bunch".

He said at least he had some things to be happy about.

"The Highlanders won, the Warriors won and the Bulldogs won."



