'State of shock': Pine Hill death a homicide

The death of a man in the Dunedin suburb of Pine Hill is now being treated as a homicide.

Detective Senior Sergeant Kallum Croudis said this afternoon that post-mortem findings showed that Gurjit Singh died as a result of multiple stab wounds inflicted by a sharp instrument.

Mr Singh, 27, was found lying amid shards of glass outside his Hillary St home on Monday morning.

Det Snr Sgt Kroudis said based on his injuries they believed he was killed on Sunday.

A scene examination was ongoing and investigators were continuing to make inquiries into Mr Singh’s movements and interactions prior to his death.

"Our thoughts go out to his wife and family, as well as his friends and colleagues, at this distressing time.

"This news will be difficult to process, and police are committed to finding answers of what has happened to Mr Singh and providing closure for his loved ones."

Gurjit Singh. Supplied photo
Gurjit Singh. Supplied photo
It emerged this week that Mr Singh had been excitedly sharing plans to holiday with his new wife the night police believe he was murdered.

Friends of Mr Singh, who shared pizza with him that night, told the Otago Daily Times they were in a state of shock after learning of the homicide investigation.

The friends, who like Mr Singh were migrants from India, said they never thought it was possible for something like this to happen in Dunedin and they felt scared.

Neighbour Brenda van Strik said she was not surprised that it had become a homicide investigation.

"The fact that we were seeing more and more police pointed in that direction. However, I still feel safe in the area."

While she had not been following the investigation as intently as some, she said she had been paying attention to the police communications. 

Another resident, who declined to be named, said they were "surprised" it had become a homicide investigation.

"All this time, I had been hoping it was just some sort of dreadful accident."

They also said they still felt safe in the area.

"It's really quite sad", another Pine Hill resident said. "Everybody is trying to carry on as normal, but this death is lingering in the back of our minds.

"I feel so sorry for the deceased's family, Mr Singh had not long moved into the area."

Friends shocked at Mr Singh’s death told the Otago Daily Times there were no signs anything was wrong when they were with him the previous night.

Police at the scene on Monday. Photo: Craig Baxter
Police at the scene on Monday. Photo: Craig Baxter
He shared with them his excitement about his wife, whom he married in India in June, moving to New Zealand next month to live at his Hillary St house.

"He was excited for his wife to come and wanted to show her around, taking her to places like Queenstown," one said.

He arrived at their flat about 9pm and left between 10.30pm and 11pm and shared pizza and soft drink.

The friends, who used to flat with Mr Singh, were speaking with Mr Singh’s family, and said they were helping arrange for the body to be repatriated to India when the post-mortem was complete.

They said Mr Singh’s wife was distraught when she was told her husband was dead.

"As soon as she found out she screamed and actually they all started screaming.

"They really want to know what’s happened and until then they will feel unsettled."

Otago Punjabi Foundation Trust member Narindervir Singh said Gurjit Singh’s father was on his way to Dunedin but that his wife would remain in India.

Det Snr Sgt Kroudis said police would welcome any information about activity in the Liberton and Pine Hill areas, especially around 10pm on Sunday, January 28. 

Residents in the area with road-facing CCTV are urged to contact police.

Police 105, number 240129/7479.



