Sex offender denied an early release

A remorseless sex offender who abused two pre-pubescent girls continues to claim he is innocent, the Parole Board has heard.

Sam Samson Duffy (43) was jailed for nine years in 2013 and has been refused early release from prison after a hearing at the Otago Corrections Facility last month.

He was found guilty of indecently assaulting a 9-year-old girl several times and sexually violating a 5-year-old more than once, following a trial.

One of the victims regarded Duffy as a father figure, the court heard at sentencing.

Despite the jury’s verdicts the prisoner had refused to accept any blame.

That stance had continued in the years he had spent behind bars, a Parole Board decision revealed.

"We understand that Mr Duffy has not completed any rehabilitation," Ms Kathryn Snook said.

"He did not participate with the parole assessment report process. He has not agreed to see a psychologist.

"The last psychological assessment is dated October 1, 2015 but he did not engage with the psychologist then either."

More recently the inmate had been described as "more jovial and motivated" and worked hard in the prison’s laundry.

While he refused to undertake rehabilitation for his sexual predilections, he had been involved in literacy and numeracy programmes.

However, Duffy’s behaviour had fallen short on occasion.

There had been two misconducts since his last parole hearing, Ms Snook said.

"He was also found with a shank in May 2017."

Duffy’s release date is August next year.

If someone reaches the end of their sentence and Corrections believe they still pose a significant risk of sexual or violent offending, it may apply for an extended supervision order (ESO).

Such an order can mean offenders are under the spotlight of Probations staff for up to a decade.

Ms Snook said Duffy had been considered a potential candidate for an ESO and asked for an update on that situation at the man’s next parole hearing in a year.

Before prisoners are released, the board expects them to have a plan in place to support their reintegration.

Duffy had no structures set up for life on the outside, the board heard.

"Well before Mr Duffy returns to the board, some effort must be made by Mr Duffy’s case manager and others to focus on his reintegration and release planning given the length of time he will have been in prison," Ms Snook said.

