Rapist lured girl (14) into home

Johannes Van Ryswyk may be on the Child Sex Offender Register for the next eight years. PHOTO:...
Johannes Van Ryswyk may be on the Child Sex Offender Register for the next eight years. PHOTO: ROB KIDD
A 68-year-old rapist lured a 14-year-old into his home with the promise of alcohol, locked the door and tried to kiss her, a court has heard.

Johannes Cornelis Van Ryswyk appeared in the Dunedin District Court this week, nearly 45 years since his most recent sex crimes.

The defendant was convicted of raping a girl (under 16) in 1979 and indecently assaulting a girl (under 12) in 1976.

While other matters during the interim were suppressed, Judge David Robinson said he was satisfied "on the totality of the information" Van Ryswyk should be placed on the Child Sex Offender Register.

The order will mean the pensioner will be subject to stringent conditions for the next eight years.

On March 9, the teenage victim was walking along South Rd when Van Ryswyk introduced himself.

He invited the girl into his home for a beer and after repeatedly declining the offer, she eventually relented.

Once inside, Van Ryswyk locked the door.

He then grabbed the victim by the arms and asked if she had a partner.

"The defendant pulled her close into a hug and put his face close to hers in an attempt to kiss her," court documents said.

As she held Van Ryswyk at bay, he made "a kissing noise".

After being held in the non-consensual embrace for five seconds, the teen managed to pull away and tried to escape the house.

"The defendant was hesitant to allow her to leave but eventually unlocked the door and allowed the victim to leave," police said.

The ordeal lasted about three minutes, the girl estimated when later interviewed.

A statement she wrote before the sentencing spoke to "the strength of her character", the judge said.

She said she felt nervous about returning to the suburb where the incident happened and had sought assistance from her school counsellor.

When interviewed by Probation, Van Ryswyk was adamant nothing significant
had happened.

He described his actions as "silly".

"I think that understates it," Judge Robinson said.

Van Ryswyk was sentenced to six months’ community detention and 18 months’ intensive supervision, during which he was barred from associating with anyone under 16.

He was also ordered to undertake specialist sex-offender treatment.

Should that reveal his risk to be lower than originally thought, Van Ryswyk could apply to have his child-sex-offender registration cancelled, the court heard.




