Ranked chess player made illicit sex tape

Emanuel Santiago was sentenced to four months’ home detention for a secret sex recording. PHOTO:...
Emanuel Santiago was sentenced to four months’ home detention for a secret sex recording. PHOTO: ROB KIDD
A nationally-ranked Dunedin chess player secretly filmed himself having sex with a woman, a court has heard.

Emanuel Santiago (46) was living in a boarding house earlier this year when he exchanged text messages with the victim, offering to pay her for sex.

An agreement was reached between the pair and they met on several occasions between March and May, the Dunedin District Court heard yesterday.

Unbeknown to the woman, Santiago filmed one of their liaisons on his cellphone.

The secret recording only became apparent when the defendant bragged about his exploits, showing the sex tape to a third party.

That person recognised those involved and realised that it must have been without the woman’s consent.

When police approached Santiago he admitted recording the rendezvous without telling the victim and said he had since deleted the file from his phone.

Counsel Brendan Stephenson said his client called the incident "the biggest mistake of his life".

"He really just wants to move on with his life and support his family in the Philippines," he said.

Judge David Robinson referred to a victim impact statement in which the woman involved voiced her "upset and disgust".

The morning after she discovered what Santiago had done she fainted and was admitted to hospital because of the stress.

The defendant — who was ranked 152 in the country according to the New Zealand Chess Federation — had no previous convictions and the judge accepted his remorse was genuine.

A member of the Otago Chess Club said the news of the crime was a "total surprise".

Santiago proposed a home-detention address in Central Dunedin which was only a kilometre from where the victim lived but Mr Stephenson stressed he wished her no ill will nor did he want any further contact with her.

Judge Robinson sentenced him to four months’ home detention and ordered him to pay the victim $1000.

Santiago was banned from using any device capable of capturing images while serving the sentence.

There may also be a further penalty, the judge said. Santiago may now be liable for deportation.




