A police dog was used to track the driver of a ute accused of taking out a set of traffic lights in Dunedin while almost twice the legal drink-driving limit.
Senior Sergeant Anthony Bond, of Dunedin, said officers were called following reports of a man in a Toyota Hilux driving dangerously and almost hitting multiple vehicles between 2.55am and 5am yesterday.
The car completely took out a set of traffic lights, Snr Sgt Bond said.
Police found the ute outside a property in Kaikorai Valley Rd with no one in it.
A police dog team tracked and located the 39-year-old driver, who was walking back towards the driveway of the house.
He was arrested and processed for drink-driving, and elected to give a blood sample, which has not yet been analysed.
The man would appear in court today charged with breaching a safety order, dangerous driving, threatening a person, as well as resisting and assaulting police, Snr Sgt Bond said.