Manslaughter charge over fleeing car fatal crash

The fatal crash came after a vehicle fled the scene of a bottle store burglary. PHOTO: STEPHEN...
The fatal crash came after a vehicle fled the scene of a bottle store burglary. PHOTO: STEPHEN JAQUIERY
The alleged driver of a getaway vehicle that fled the scene of a Dunedin bottle store burglary has been charged with manslaughter.

Three of the four men allegedly involved in the incident appeared in the Dunedin District Court this morning, one facing three new charges after the alcohol-fuelled burglary ended with one person dead in a crash.

Robert Francis Taylor (29) is accused of causing injury to two of his co-defendants - Thomas Bridgman (25) and Hakopa Sonny Taylor (29) -- along with the more serious charges of manslaughter and causing the death of Michael McClelland while driving with a blood alcohol level of 153mg.

Robert Taylor was allegedly more than three times the legal limit at the time of his arrest.

Mr McClelland, a 26-year-old father of one, died at the scene of the crash in Melbourne St after the Bottle-O break-in in Hillside Rd on May 27.

The Taylors, Bridgman and Jayden Ngaro Maki (27), allegedly cut the locks off a storage garage with three-foot bolt-cutters -- taking six crates of beer, valued at $300.

The four survivors are accused of fleeing the scene before crashing into a power pole in Melbourne St.

Police officers saw the vehicle shortly after the burglary and attempted to stop it.

Less than a minute later, the driver lost control of the car at high speed and skidded about 50m down the street before the collision.

Two of the survivors were hospitalised with serious injuries and one sustained minor injuries.

Robert Taylor is currently on bail awaiting his next appearance in the High Court later this month.

The three other men will appear in the Dunedin District Court in August.

