Man jailed for sexual offending against boy

The court heard Emani Naivanawalu will probably be sent back to Fiji once the Parole Board...
The court heard Emani Naivanawalu will probably be sent back to Fiji once the Parole Board determines he can be released. Photo: Rob Kidd
A man who violated a young boy then tried to buy his silence has been jailed for three years, eight months.

Emani Saumadu Naivanawalu (26) had been forced out of Fiji because of his "risky sexual behaviour" and would likely be deported back there once his prison term ended, counsel Andrew Dawson told the Dunedin District Court this week.

The defendant pleaded guilty to two counts of doing an indecent act on a person aged under 16 and two of sexual violation by unlawful sexual connection, encompassing two incidents just a week apart.

The first came in July last year when Naivanawalu was drinking kava with the victim’s parents at their home.

While the adults socialised, the boy went to bed in his sibling’s room but woke at 6am to find the defendant groping him.

He fell asleep again but woke shortly after as Naivanawalu was committing a more intrusive sexual assault.

When the victim asked what was going on, the man told him to "shut up".

The court heard Naivanawalu offered the boy a beer, which he declined, then handed him a bank card.

"He told the victim he could use as much money as he wanted, but that he could not tell his parents what had happened," a summary of facts said.

The victim’s mother found the card a few days later while cleaning but the boy did not explain why he had it.

Just days later Naivanawalu was back.

Again, the victim woke to find him in his bedroom.

The defendant gave him another bank card, reiterating his desire the boy keep their contact secret.

Naivanawalu apologised for what had happened a week earlier but then asked if he could repeat the depraved acts.

The boy said no and fell asleep.

In the early hours there was another graphic sex attack.

When the ordeal was over, Naivanawalu said he was going to buy the victim a computer and a phone.

A few weeks later the boy disclosed the details of the dual sex assaults and police were contacted.

When asked by Probation whether the offending was motivated by his sexual arousal, the defendant said "I don’t know".

Crown prosecutor Craig Power said the lack of insight from Naivanawalu into his predilections was concerning.

Mr Dawson said there was a link between his Fijian upbringing and his crimes.

His sexuality had resulted in physical beatings and an increasing reliance on alcohol, which he had used on the nights of the sex offences.

The defendant’s family wrote about wanting to change him, "fundamentally misunderstanding who he is", Mr Dawson said.

"He chose to offend against this young lad . . . his sexual orientation is a completely different issue," Mr Power said.

Judge Kevin Phillips accepted, away from any support, the prison term would be tough for Naivanawalu.

But he was not convinced the man was remorseful.

"In reality he showed very little realisation of the major harm and damage he’s done to this boy."

