Indecent act blamed on addiction

A man who performed an indecent act in a car park just metres from a courthouse was high on cannabis at the time, a court has heard.

Ethan William Ferguson (20) told police at the time he had an addiction and the class C drug had influenced his behaviour.

Ferguson was appearing for sentence in the Dunedin District Court yesterday on a charge of doing an indecent act and possessing a knife.

On April 7, Ferguson was waiting in his partner’s car in a car park in Dunbar St, Dunedin.

While his partner attended an appointment in a neighbouring building, Ferguson starting watching pornography on his cellphone and performing an indecent act.

His genitals were visible from outside the vehicle.

Workers in a nearby building noticed his behaviour and became "alarmed and distressed".

They were concerned other members of the community might see what he was doing.

As police attended and made their way towards Ferguson, he tipped the contents of a cannabis bong out of the car and hid the bong under the driver’s seat, but that only strengthened the smell, court documents stated.

During their search of the car, police also located a small knife disguised as a plastic card in Ferguson’s wallet.

Counsel Andrew Dawson said Ferguson was having a difficult time as a result of family circumstances, so he resorted to smoking cannabis which led to him not thinking clearly.

Ferguson had been sentenced in March to 12 months’ supervision and 65 hours’ community work. Judge Peter Rollo sentenced Ferguson to 65 more hours’ community work.

He was "clearly a young man who needs that assistance", Mr Dawson said.


