Fine, disqualification after failure to stop caused injury

A driver in school traffic hit a woman on her motorised wheelchair, leaving her with a broken toe, a court has heard.

Kirsty Maree Brown, 31, was sentenced in the Dunedin District Court yesterday after earlier pleading guilty to careless driving causing injury.

The court heard that on November 11 the defendant was driving her daughter to school.

There was heavy traffic in both directions and Brown followed a car forward and failed to give way at a pedestrian crossing.

She hit a woman crossing the road in her motorised wheelchair, causing it to spin.

The victim suffered a fractured toe from the incident.

Brown told police she checked the crossing before moving forward, and did not see anyone.

Counsel Jo Turner highlighted the woman had no previous convictions and was usually a careful driver.

"She's horrified to be before the court, really embarrassed and feels really bad about the situation," Ms Turner said.

"Since the offending she has been an even more careful driver."

In a statement to the court the victim said since the incident she felt nervous crossing the road.

Community Magistrate Sally O’Brien accepted Brown’s remorse was genuine and the incident reflected a momentary lapse in judgement.

"I don't expect you will ever come back to court again," Ms O’Brien said.

She ordered Brown to pay $300 emotional harm reparation and disqualified her from driving for six months.

