Dunedin sportsman accused of serious domestic violence

A high-profile Dunedin sportsman, accused of serious domestic violence, has had his name suppression continued.

The 25-year-old appeared in the Dunedin District Court this afternoon on a charge of causing grievous bodily harm with reckless disregard for the safety of others following an alleged incident, which occurred on July 16.

It carries a maximum penalty of seven years' imprisonment.

The defendant has had name suppression since his first appearance in October last year and Judge Michael Turner today continued the defendant's name suppression at the request of his counsel Anne Stevens KC, as well as making an order covering the identity of the man's employer.

The employer had legal representation in court today.

Counsel representing all parties were given until mid-July to file submissions regarding suppression, after which a two-hour hearing would be arranged for the matter to be fully argued.

No trail date could be scheduled but it would be at least a year away, the court heard.

The defendant remained on bail.

