Country life not NZ fur seal's lot

The New Zealand fur seal which visited a Taieri farm this week has decided country life is not for it, after all.

The estimated 3 to 4-year-old seal was discovered on a Maungatua Rd farm, near Berwick, on Tuesday, when it disturbed a herd of cattle.

However, the animal left the farm some time yesterday.

"We haven't seen it all day," Taieri farmer Matt Kerr said.

"It looks like he disappeared overnight," Mr Kerr said.

The seal appeared to have travelled 15km inland, via the Taieri River, Lake Waihola, Lake Waipori and a contour channel, to the farm, Mr Kerr said.

Department of Conservation coastal ranger Jim Fyfe said the seal had "probably headed back out to sea".

"He must have decided that cattle weren't for him." Mr Fyfe said yesterday.

Anyone who sights a fur seal or sea lion in an unusual location is asked to contact Doc on 0800 DOC HOT.


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