Council accepts social media feedback

The Dunedin City Council is turning to social media as it seeks public feedback on its long-term plan.

For the first time, the council will accept Facebook messages and tweets as feedback during the month-long public consultation period.

Tweets would have to be sent to @DnCityCouncil using #LTP to count as formal feedback.

The council's draft long-term plan outlined spending and development plans for the next decade, including more new cycleways, a central city upgrade and a South Dunedin community complex.

The ongoing search for savings would seek to help plug a $68 million budget gap over the next decade, and debt reduction would continue to be a focus.

At the same time, rates were forecast to increase by 3.8% in 2015-16, followed by further increases of between 2.3% and 5% over the next decade.

Public consultation on the draft plan begins today and ends at 5pm on April 28. Documents are being mailed and available online.

A series of public workshops and other events were also planned over the next month, followed by hearings and deliberations next month.

The final long-term plan was due to be adopted in June.

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