Concerns about scooters not shared by all

Concerns about the safety of mobility scooters were expressed at a Mosgiel Taieri Community Board meeting yesterday.

But Age Concern Otago says people are not using mobility scooters recklessly.

Board member Martin Dillon proposed a motion to ask the Government and local government to investigate steps it could take to make mobility scooters safer, for both users and non-users.

Mobility scooter safety was a national issue, not just in Mosgiel.

Some of the drivers of mobility scooters in Mosgiel had their driver's licence taken from them because they were not medically fit to drive.

"They travel faster on the scooters than they were in their car.''

Board member Sarah Nitis said some scooter riders needed to use "common sense'' when driving, and ride on the part of the footpath near the road, rather than by the shop fronts.

"They shoot along by the shops and you step out and you take your own life in your hands.''

The motion was seconded by Ms Nitis and every member at the meeting approved it.

Age Concern Otago executive officer Susan Davidson said Age Concern Otago had had no reported incidents of the "reckless use of mobility scooters'' for at least two years.

"We were aware of some incidents two or three years ago but I have had no information of new incidents.''

Mobility scooter users need to be "good drivers'' and be aware ageing could affect their ability to safely use vehicles such as cars and scooters.

However, the comments by Mr Dillon were a "sweeping'' statement because all the scooter users she knew had never been refused a driver's licence on medical grounds, Ms Davidson said.

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