Community radio for Blueskin Bay

Community support and a community voice will bring community news over the airwaves to the Blueskin Bay area in the New Year.

Blueskin Bay FM (88.7) started after different groups with thoughts of establishing a radio station came together last month.

After receiving funding from the Waikouaiti Community Board this week, it will be operating in February.

President Brent Bell said many activities and events occurred in Blueskin Bay, which was home to a lot of creative people.

"I don't want to know what's going on in the North Island. Local is the way to go," he said.

The station would be set up in a room at Warrington School with the board of trustees meeting operating costs for the first year.

Outfitting costs were about $1300, with the community board meeting a "fair whack" of it.

Having it based in the school was a "great opportunity for the children to do their own radio show", Mr Bell said.

Blueskin Bay FM would be aligned with Puketapu Radio, which broadcasts from Palmerston, so if either station had no-one available to man their station, they would broadcast the other's show.

Warrington School principal Nathan Parker said pupils were excited about it, with a "few budding DJs" coming forward.

Waitati School also intended to become involved, which would create a true community station, he said.

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