Community focus

Green Island  community worker Lynda Davidson started in the role on Monday.  Photo by Jonathan...
Green Island community worker Lynda Davidson started in the role on Monday. Photo by Jonathan Chilton-Towle.
The Greater Green Island Community Network has employed a new community worker.

Dunedin woman Lynda Davidson started in the role on Monday. She is based at the Green Island Police Station.

She will be out and about in the community raising awareness of the project and finding out what residents wanted for Green Island and the surrounding areas.

She will also attend community events such as the Green Island Market Day, in December, where she would have a stand.

Mrs Davidson has a training background in social work.

''I've always had an interest in helping people,'' she said.

In August, the Greater Green Island Community Network was selected for the Government's annual community development scheme, receiving $80,000 a year for three years.

Since the funding was awarded, a seven-person governing body for the network has been established.

Network chairwoman Pam Tomkins said the driver of the network was the Green Island community and Ms Davidson's role was bringing the community together.

As part of its contract, the network had to undertake work in several key areas, she said.

It was not a funding body but it could provide funding for things the whole community agreed on, she said.

The group was investigating establishing a community garden and a playground.

Other projects could include improving traffic flow in the business district, installing better lighting where youth congregated, relationship-building between neighbours, encouraging retailers to the area and improving the appearance of amenities.

The community would be consulted on desired projects, she said.

Presbyterian Support Otago is the fund-holder for the network.

• The Greater Green Island Community Network is seeking community feedback on what the community wants done in Green Island and surrounding areas.

Contact Lynda on or 477-7116.

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