Chairman Keith McFadyen is inviting community groups within the board's area to apply for funds to assist with projects or activities which benefit the community.
With only two meetings left before the end of the financial year, about $3000 of the board's discretionary fund could go to waste if worthy applications were not received.
Each year, Dunedin City Council community boards received $10,000 to dispense to community groups.
In 2009, the Saddle Hill board helped a range of groups including the Brighton Bowling Club, Green Island Junior Football and St Peter Chanel School.
"It's good we can help little organisations within the community, because often they are left behind when it comes to some of the major organisations giving funds," Mr McFadyen said.
While the board loved helping out, he believed most groups did not think of applying to it for funding.
Application forms and criteria are available from the Dunedin City Council.