Coastguard comes to aid of French trimaran

Dunedin's coastguard had to come to the aid of an international sailor in need of a pitstop in the middle of a race.

Coastguard New Zealand spokesman Ben Parsons said Dunedin crews were presented with the "rare opportunity" to aid a 30-metre-long French trimaran that was a part of the Area Ultim Challenge Brest, a solo non-stop yacht race around the world, when it entered Otago waters on Saturday.

The yacht, Actual Ultim 3, had been damaged and needed repairs.

Volunteers aboard Moana Rescue took French technicians out to assist the solo sailor with repairs so he could continue the race, Mr Parsons said.

Trimaran Actual Ultim 3 makes its way up Otago Harbour on Saturday. PHOTO: CRAIG BAXTER
Trimaran Actual Ultim 3 makes its way up Otago Harbour on Saturday. PHOTO: CRAIG BAXTER

According to race rules the coastguard  was not allowed to interfere, so guided the yacht through the Otago Heads to the upper basin of Otago Harbour.

Harbour control also provided support to Coastguard Dunedin with broadcasting to guide the yacht in safely,  he said.

Coastguard Dunedin president Blair Olsen said it was awesome to see such dedication from crews aboard Moana Rescue and great to receive gratitude from those in need of aid.

An Otago Yacht Club spokesman said 30m was a monstrous length, and it was  rare for a vessel of that size to stop in during a race.


