Christmas Eve show set to fly

Ruth Wheeler (left) and Gareth Bruce (right) greet Mark Smales as he emerges from a "time machine...
Ruth Wheeler (left) and Gareth Bruce (right) greet Mark Smales as he emerges from a "time machine" during a rehearsal of the East Taieri Church annual Christmas show. Photo by Linda Robertson.
The annual drama and dance show at the East Taieri Church promises to be bigger and better this Christmas Eve.

More than 100 people have contributed to the Christmas show, and "it was a real community effort", co-ordinator Joy Davis, of Dunedin, said.

The show has been held for nearly two decades and was so popular the adult show was performed twice - at 8.30pm and 10.30pm.

"We are telling people to attend the later one because the earlier one is just so popular."

Not to be upstaged, the children, ranging in age from 3 to 12, will also perform their own show at 5.30pm, after fine-tuning their performance in front of the church congregation last Sunday.

Drama, dancing and the obligatory Christmas carols are all part of the performance, with audience members encouraged to sing along, Mrs Davis said.

"It is always a very festive atmosphere."

The Presbyterian church will be filled to its 300-person capacity for the shows, which will be raising funds for the Hope for Aids Thailand charity.

The theme for the show, "going home for Christmas", was selected in April, with practice beginning six weeks ago.

"Everyone works very hard to make this a success every year, and we know it brings a lot of pleasure to the community. We think this year's show will be one of the best yet."




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