Chinese history in attic

Property owner Mark Thom holds a board understood to be more than 100 years old, found at a...
Property owner Mark Thom holds a board understood to be more than 100 years old, found at a former Chinese Presbyterian church. Photo: Peter McIntosh
A piece of Chinese Christian history languishing for more than a century in a Dunedin attic will soon be returned to its rightful home.

A board with Chinese writing understood to translate as "God is love" or similar was found by a tenant in the attic of a former manse building behind what was once the Chinese Mission Church on Carroll St.

The church was opened in 1887, and followed the work of church leader Alexander Don, who ministered to Chinese miners on the goldfields.

It was designed by J. Louis Salmond, and continued as the Chinese Mission Church until about 1960.

Property owner Mark Thom said the board was found recently by one of his tenants.

Mr Thom bought the property, which is now residential accommodation, in 1995, and knew Jim Ng from that time.

He contacted Dr Ng, who was a session clerk in the church, and offered the board to him.

Dr Ng said he planned to offer the board to the church, which is now in Howe St.

He said the church would "almost certainly" accept it.

Dr Ng said the find was a "total surprise".

He thought the board may have been a founding gift for the opening of the church.

"One would imagine the Chinese church would be thrilled to have it."

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