Chick finally returns to family nest

Dunedin’s celebrity royal albatross chick, in Doc ranger Lyndon Perriman’s left hand, is reunited...
Dunedin’s celebrity royal albatross chick, in Doc ranger Lyndon Perriman’s left hand, is reunited with dad BK, while the foster chick keeping its nest warm is removed. Photo: supplied.
Dunedin's newest celebrity albatross chick is back home and "doing very well" after a stint in intensive care.

Otago Peninsula Trust marketing manager Sophie Barker said the as-yet-unnamed royal albatross chick returned to its parents’ nest at the Taiaroa Head colony yesterday.

It was reunited with its father, BK, just before noon, but would remain on a course of antibiotics during the weekend, she said.

The chick forced its way out of its egg — and straight into the internet spotlight — on Saturday, as the new subject of the Department of Conservation’s "Royal cam" live streaming web camera.

But by Tuesday, the chick was in intensive care after being found by Doc rangers to be fly-blown.

The chick bounced back after extra feeding and antibiotics, and was moved from intensive care to a foster nest on Wednesday.

Its return to its parents’ nest meant it would once again be in the Royal cam spotlight.

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