Chance sighting finds stolen car

The chance sighting of a stolen car on the back of a truck in Mosgiel has led to claims of a rural demolition derby.

Isaac Tripp, of Dunedin, was left with little hope of seeing his car again after it vanished from a carpark almost two weeks ago.

On July 24, Mr Tripp parked his Holden Astra in the Bullring carpark in Whare Flat Rd, North Taieri, but locked his keys inside.

Dunedin resident Isaac Tripp sits on the side of the road where his car should be parked. PHOTO:...
Dunedin resident Isaac Tripp sits on the side of the road where his car should be parked. PHOTO: STEPHEN JAQUIERY
Three days later, when he went back with AA to break in and retrieve his keys, he found someone had beaten him to it and all that was left was a pile of broken glass.

"We went for a drive to see if it had been dumped anywhere, but we had no luck. I reported it to police but, with no leads, it fizzled out."

Mr Tripp had written off finding his car until his flatmate, who was walking past Rohan Haulage in Mosgiel, spotted his car sitting on a transport truck in the car yard last Friday.

"We got really lucky because Rohan Haulage told us the car was actually scheduled to be driven up to Christchurch and be crushed earlier in the week, but they were just too busy."

Dunedin resident Isaac Tripp’s stolen grey Holden Astra sits on the back of a Rohan Haulage truck...
Dunedin resident Isaac Tripp’s stolen grey Holden Astra sits on the back of a Rohan Haulage truck. PHOTO: BRAD TRIPP
Mr Tripp also found out from the haulage company his car had been part of a sale of five wrecked cars left in a paddock in Waironga Rd, North Taieri.

All five cars were extensively damaged, and Mr Tripp said it looked like they had been used for paddock races and to play "bumper cars" with.

His number plates were gone, the tyres were flat and off angle, glass was everywhere and there were holes smashed in the roof.

"It looks like the car was rammed from the left, the wing mirrors were gone, but they left the warrant of fitness stickers — not that it would pass one now."

The car was sold, along with the four others in the paddock, to Cash 4 Cars Dunedin.

Isaac Tripp’s tagged car was dumped in a paddock in North Taieri. PHOTO: STEPHEN JAQUIERY
Isaac Tripp’s tagged car was dumped in a paddock in North Taieri. PHOTO: STEPHEN JAQUIERY
The owner of Cash 4 Cars Dunedin, who declined to be named, said when she found out the car was stolen, it was returned to the paddock after spraying the word "stolen" on it.

When they were bought, the cars were not listed as stolen on the website.

The seller, a teenager who lives in the area, pocketed $1500 in cash for the haul of cars.

She said she did not believe the other four cars taken from the paddock were stolen.

Police would not confirm whether any of the other four cars — a Mazda Capella, a Ford Mondeo, a Toyota Corolla and a Corolla wagon — were also stolen.


