A rare opportunity to stress-test a University of Otago hall of residence while simultaneously allowing firefighters to get some practice in presented itself with a joint exercise.
Fire and Emergency New Zealand and the University of Otago teamed up to blast Hayward College in Frederick St with a stream of water using an aerial appliance on Thursday.
Both the university and Fenz gained invaluable experience from it.
University of Otago plumbing and gas team leader Jeff Burrow said the hall had had some leaks over the years. By spraying high-pressure water at the windows, it was possible to see what needed to be fixed and the severity of problems.
"This water curtain is more intense than any rainfall is ever going to be, but it's showing us where the issues are and what we need to fix for the long term."

"It’s kind of a crossover. I’m a volunteer firefighter as well, so it’s nice to have some crossover between the day job and a weekend gig," Mr Burrow said.
"It’s not often firefighters get to spray water on a building unless there’s a fire, so it’s a win-win situation for both of us."