University senior communications adviser Mark Hathaway said since lower Level 2 restrictions started on May 13, a ‘‘small amount of face-to-face teaching’’ was being carried out, including some laboratory classes.
However, the ‘‘vast majority of lectures and classes’’ continued to be offered online, he said.
Lectures would finish at the end of this week, and ‘‘the focus will shift to study ahead of the semester one exam period,’’ he said.
Examinations will still run from June 3 to 17, but some details may depend on Government lockdown requirements.
The Otago University Students Association office reopened last week and association president Jack Manning said the student executive was excited to welcome students back, and was observing coronavirus protocols.
The association-owned Starters Bar had reopened last week and the Clubs and Societies building would reopen late this week, he said.
The association’s Student Support service was operating again in the lead-up to examinations, which was ‘‘a time of high stress and pressure for students’’.
Mr Hathaway said the university libraries were open, and would all operate from 8.30am to 11pm this week.