Scientists look to bird flu at ‘next threat’

Jemma Geoghegan. Photo: supplied
Jemma Geoghegan. Photo: supplied
As the highly infectious H5N1 virus spreads globally, University of Otago scientists are collecting and studying bird faeces in a research project aimed at protecting New Zealand from avian influenza and other potentially devastating viruses.

A government report, commissioned to support health officials, decision-makers and partners involved in pandemic planning, has identified an influenza virus as one of the most likely causes of the next global pandemic.

So scientists are collecting environmental samples, such as bird faeces, in a genomics research project aimed at boosting New Zealand’s defences against the highly pathogenic bird flu.

Te Niwha research project is led by University of Otago evolutionary virologist Professor Jemma Geoghegan and Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR) genomics and bio-informatics leader Dr David Winter, in a partnership approach with local communities and iwi.

The research team aims to develop a portable in-field environmental DNA (eDNA) detection tool for bird flu and other viruses as part of an enhanced nationwide surveillance system.

Prof Geoghegan said avian influenza had killed millions of birds, and spilled over to mammals such as seals and polar bears and even infected humans.

The virus was recently detected on the mainland of Antarctica for the first time, making Oceania the only continent the highly pathogenic H5N1 virus had not yet reached.

Wild aquatic birds carried a wide range of viruses and commonly spread them to other species and environments, she said.

"The role wild aquatic birds play in the transmission of viruses in Aotearoa New Zealand, and how this may impact human and animal health in the near future is unclear.

"This knowledge gap leaves Aotearoa New Zealand vulnerable to the introduction of a highly pathogenic avian influenza virus and its inevitable impacts on wildlife, agriculture and potentially human health."

The research team were collecting samples from environments plentiful with sea, shore and water birds, including "flyway" sites where birds typically entered the country.

This included collecting samples from the subantarctic and Chatham Islands.

Sampling sites would also include city parks where humans had frequent contact with birds, she said.

Dr Winter said a lot was learnt about using genomics and wastewater during the Covid-19 pandemic and this project would apply relevant knowledge and techniques to better monitor viruses such as influenza and how they were changing.

"Just as we did for Covid-19, we want to ensure we have the knowledge and technology required to respond to the next threat."

While the study has a focus on avian flu, which currently posed a high threat, Prof Geoghegan said the tools developed by the project team also aimed to detect other viruses too.

The project is one of more than 70 research projects that will be funded by Te Niwha before mid-2025, to improve preparedness for future pandemics, build and co-ordinate research capacity, and continue to address Covid-19 and other serious infectious diseases in New Zealand.

