You are not permitted to download, save or email this image. Visit image gallery to purchase the image. News Dunedin Campus 0 CommentsUniversity of Otago third-year student Fenna Green browses through the racks of pre-loved clothing at a stall at the OUSA Market Day in the University Lawn yesterday. PHOTO: LINDA ROBERTSON Related Stories Phys ed school graduates mark milestone SUBSCRIBER ED patients treated in corridors after St Patrick’s Polytechic recognised for care of animal welfare in teaching Fijian heart disease genetic factor studied SUBSCRIBER Food pantries set up at uni help students SUBSCRIBER Further uni shake-up on cards SUBSCRIBER Approval for Waikato medical school predicted SUBSCRIBER Recognition ‘humbling’: supervisor Travelling exhibition to teach medicine awareness Participants sought for oral ketamine trial Humble about appearing in ‘Time’ SUBSCRIBER ‘Diabolical’ decisions led to staff cuts More