Former university vice-chancellor appointed ESR chief scientist

David Murdoch. PHOTO: ODT FILES
David Murdoch. PHOTO: ODT FILES
Former University of Otago vice-chancellor David Murdoch is on the move again after being appointed as the chief scientist at the Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR).

The distinguished professor at the University of Otago Christchurch campus is a world leader in the study, prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.

The 62-year-old has been an adviser to the Oxford University vaccine group and the New Zealand government on Covid-19.

ESR specialises in science that safeguards the health and wellbeing of New Zealanders and the natural environment.

It has a critical role in the surveillance of infectious diseases, water and food safety, and also provides forensic science to support the country’s justice system.

As part of the review of the sciences sector, ESR is changing from a Crown Research Institute to a Public Research Organisation.

Prof Murdoch said it was a very exciting time to be part of ESR as it moved to become a new, more agile organisation focused on national health security and forensics.

"Indeed, the chance to have a key leadership role in the transformation of a critical science organisation was a major attraction to take on the job, working closely with our chief executive Ashley Bloomfield.

"We have an amazing team and are focused on ensuring New Zealand is better prepared for future pandemics and other public health threats."

Prof Murdoch stepped down as vice-chancellor of the university in June 2023 — less than 18 months after being appointed.

He had been on sick leave since March that year, but after recovering and handing in his resignation, he returned to the university’s Christchurch campus where he had formerly been the head of the Christchurch campus.

He remains a distinguished professor at the university.

