Age of Glass author Anna Maria Hong read her poetry at the New Athenaeum Theatre for the Octagon Collective last night and will be delivering a lecture to postgraduate students at the university today.
Ms Hong said she mostly wrote sonnets, but tried to push the boundaries of the form as much as possible.
"I like working in that particular work form because it gives me something to work against.
"I find it very paradoxically liberating because it pushes your language into these wild places I wouldn’t have thought of otherwise."
Her poetry included retellings of myths, fairy tales and folktales from different cultures.
"My novella, I would say, is very experimental. It’s a mix of poetry, non-fiction and short stories."
She enjoyed retelling fairy tales and myths with her own political spin.
"It’s working in a feminist tradition, so giving the outcomes a feminist twist and giving the women characters more subjectivity and agency."