Neighbours of the Otago-Taieri A and P Showgrounds have called for this weekend's military show at the venue to be moved.
Many of the neighbours bred or trained horses and were concerned about the impact of any loud noises on their animals from demonstrations of military equipment, especially in the middle of breeding season.
A group of about 20 neighbours met the organisers of the show yesterday.
Dukes Rd North resident Charlotte Young said horses were ''fright and flight'' animals and would spook, leading them to jump and bolt at sudden loud sounds, probably injuring themselves.
''There are literally hundreds of horses in a 2km radius. It is not an ideal mix.''
Residents in the area were not unused to events, and were often consulted about them, usually by those holding the event. But there had been no communication or consultation with residents about the military event.
Ms Young said those gathered did not entirely blame that on the organisers of the event, the HQ44 South Military Collectors Club, who were coming from out of town.
The annual event is normally held in Waimate, at Labour Weekend, but organisers had decided to hold it in Mosgiel this year, to raise money for the Mosgiel RSA's refurbishment.
She believed the group had received no information from the society's committee advising consultation with neighbours over plans.
The event's organisers had now ''definitely got the idea we're not happy'' and several options for resolving the concerns were discussed, including moving the event to another venue.
''We can understand that no-one wants to go to a military show and not hear guns going off and that sort of thing.''
The best thing for it was to have it at the Oval in Dunedin, near the army drill hall, where they would get more people, she said.
Eurosport Horses owner Vicki Hay, another neighbour, said while the horses were used to the normal traffic noises, the sound of horns when the Special Rigs for Special Kids event went past required them to be held.
''We're going away this weekend, so we won't even be here to hang on to the horses.''
Stress was not good for mares in foal and this time of year was notoriously difficult for horses.
She was disappointed no-one from the A&P society attended the meeting and believed there should have been more consultation about the show.
HQ44 South Military Collectors Club president Ed Davies said he needed to speak with the rest of club before he could comment any further.
''We're just in the planning stages, trying to come up with alternatives.''
The meeting was constructive and he appreciated the group being ''very supportive of what we're doing''.
Society past-chairman Kelly Allison said the committee was meeting tomorrow night and the issue would probably be discussed.
The society hired out the grounds to a variety of organisations and community groups for many uses.
The committee did not have to approve every hire.