Dunedin Clutha Waitaki area commander Jason Guthrie takes part in a burpee challenge in front of fellow officers at the Dunedin Police Station yesterday.
Fifteen staff, including the Southern District's top police officer - Superintendent Andrew Coster - took turns to finish burpees as part of a nationwide fundraising initiative for Red Nose Day.
The corporate challenge asked organisations to complete 2208 burpees - the number being yesterday's date - in the allotted time.
Senior Constable Toni Wall said police completed 3000 burpees between noon and 2pm.
''Admittedly some staff were struggling as burpees are not the nicest, easiest exercises to do but people put in a great effort.''
Police raised ''hundreds of dollars'' for the charity and Snr Const Wall hoped to challenge other emergency services to compete in next year's challenge.