Since he began the job in 2002, Dr Kerr has made every effort to build that wider understanding, by organising 62 quarterly exhibitions, on different aspects of the collections.
''It would be fantastic to have hordes of people coming through,'' he added.
His latest exhibition, the 62nd, opened last week in the de Beer Gallery, at the university.
The show is titled ''For the Love of Books: Collectors and Collections''.
Special collections ranged widely, from medieval manuscripts and 18th century travel accounts to more modern pulp fiction and science fiction.
''In essence, the exhibition is a taster, a brief but illuminating glimpse into what makes up Special Collections.''
On the 150th anniversary of Otago University's establishment this year, it was ''fitting to acknowledge the generosity of both past and recent benefactors'' to the collections, he said.
Highlighted were collectors such as Willi Fels, Esmond de Beer, Charles Brasch, and the Rev William Arderne Shoults.
The exhibition runs on week days until June 14.