The board met the plastic surgery breast reconstructive service behind closed doors at a board meeting last month.
Patient services executive director Lexie O'Shea said the board was working through options to offer more women breast reconstruction surgeries.
''The first step will be undertaking 30 surgeries over the next 14 months,'' she said.
The board could not provide any detail on how the surgeries would be performed.
A response to an Official Information Act request last month revealed a waiting list for breast reconstruction of 40 SDHB patients.
The response also revealed 14 reconstruction surgeries were performed last year and another 14 in 2013.
Marie Steele (48), of Mosgiel, had a mastectomy in April 2013, had chemotherapy and has been on the waiting list since October last year.
Since the latest board meeting, she had not been contacted about when to expect her surgery and she struggled to believe 30 surgeries would be performed in the time frame.
''I'm sceptical but I hope they actually do it, for the sake of all the women on the waiting list.''
She hoped the board would begin telling women contemplating a mastectomy to expect a long wait for reconstruction surgery so patients could make an informed decision.
''It's good to know people are aware that if it [breast cancer] strikes them, it is going to be a bit of a battle ... that if you live down here, things just don't happen.''
Andrea Macnee (33), a student living in Dunedin, had a mastectomy in December 2012, then chemotherapy and has been on the waiting list since January last year.
She had not heard about when she could expect surgery and felt left in the dark.
''I'm annoyed with these Mickey Mouse answers where they are not actually answering anything and they are just giving us the runaround,'' Ms Macnee said.
An Official Information Act request seeking copies of minutes from the meeting has been lodged by the ODT.