Miss Paterson, of Public Health South, said the Dunedin Breastfeeding Network photography competition had received few entries, so the competition closing date had been extended a week to July 28.
A printed 6x8 photo of a woman breast-feeding, surrounded by people, was needed to enter the Southern Primary Health Organisation and Southern District Health Board funded competition.
''We want them surrounded to illustrate that breast-feeding mums need support from other people.''
The theme of World Breast-feeding Week on August 1 was peer support, she said.
Breast-feeding was a lot of work and support could include entertaining the children, doing some housework and instilling the confidence in the mum to breast-feed in public - ''breast-feeding, wherever and whenever it suits mum and baby''.
The photo entries would be displayed in the Meridian. The competition winners would be announced at ''The big latch on'' in the mall on August 2 - when women around the world breast-feed at certain locations at a set time.
First prize for the photo competition was a $500 gift card, second a $250 gift card and third a $100 gift card, Miss Paterson said.
Dunedin mother Bridget Hughes said her husband, Martin, snapped a photo of her breast-feeding their son, Kael, sitting on a couch when her daughter, Keira, sat beside her ''breast-feeding'' a doll.
Mrs Hughes said the support from her husband had been ''especially good'' when she was breast-feeding.
It could be difficult and take up to an hour, so all support was appreciated, Mrs Hughes said.shawn.mcavinue@odt.co.nz