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The Columba College junior choir performs ' Something in the Water' at the Big Sing held at the Dunedin Town Hall yesterday. Photo's Gerard O'Brien.
Dunstan High School's Dunstanza Senior Girls choir performs ' Hine e Hine ' at the Big Sing held at the Dunedin Town Hall yesterday.
The St Hilda's Madrigal Choir, conducted by Ihlara McIndoe, performs ' Pie Jesu ' at the Big Sing held at the Dunedin Town Hall yesterday.
Hana Fahy conducts the Logan Park High School choir as they perform ' Minoi Minoi 'at the Big Sing held at the Dunedin Town Hall yesterday.
The Otago Boys' High School group Mandate perform ' In the Still of the Night ' at the Big Sing held at the Dunedin Town Hall yesterday.
The Queen's High School group Vocarmony perform ' Agnus Dei 'at the Big Sing held at the Dunedin Town Hall yesterday.
The Big Sing Otago/South Canterbury regional competition was held in the Dunedin Town Hall on Friday.
The Big Sing is a national group-singing competition for secondary school students.