It's too dusty and the close-up view of horse hooves is unnerving, she said.
Middlemarch pair Miss Healey (32) and Jamie Tisdall (43) were yesterday preparing with 24-year-old horse Breadhead to race again at the Strath Taieri A&P Show on Saturday.
''It's mayhem, but I imagine it's fun to watch,'' Miss Healey said.
The experience of being dragged behind a horse was ''awesome'', she said, likening it to being towed behind a jet boat on a sea biscuit.
Show committee president Lynnore Templeton said teams of two musterers and a horse would compete at Middlemarch Showgrounds.
''They have to complete a course, testing the skills of the musterer and the horse in a drag race ... it's a great spectator sport, it's fast and thrilling with a lot of action.''
The show also includes spouse-carrying and lawn mower races.