Station Officer Mark Dyer, of St Kilda, said firefighters were called to the incident off Musselburgh Rise about 9.30am.
It was his last day on the job and he had been about to get stuck into a commemorative morning tea when the call came.
When Senior Firefighter Scott Haines abseiled down the cliff to effect a rescue, he was welcomed by a few growls.
Fortunately, a neighbour donated some dog food which helped the dog become more friendly and ensured a successful outcome, SO Dyer said.
"I think that going out with a dog rescue is a good way to go — especially a successful one."
SO Dyer said firefighting was "a great career" which could be very satisfying.
While he was looking forward to not being woken up during the night, he would still be involved with some training.
Musselburgh resident Lynn Wingfield said her grandsons were having breakfast when they saw the dog sitting on a ledge on the 15m-high cliff.
She talked to a neighbour who heard it in the night.
"[The dog] was a bit snarly when the firemen first got to him, but [SF Haines] really took his time and just kept talking to it and calming it down," Ms Wingfield said.
A Dunedin City Council spokesman said the dog was collected by animal control and given food, water and bedding.
It had no identification tag or microchip but the owner got in touch yesterday afternoon.
"The dog will be safely returned to them," the spokesman said.