Auckland rewarding and challenging

Kanoa Lloyd
Kanoa Lloyd
The Dunedin Botanic Garden, Modaks Cafe and driving out to Port Chalmers were some of the things Sticky TV presenter Kanoa Lloyd missed most about Dunedin.

"Obviously, I miss my friends and family. But it's the little things that make me feel homesick every once in a while," she said.

After landing the job of presenter on the TV3 children's show, the 22-year-old went from working at the Dunedin Public Library to the bustling city of Auckland last January.

"I was nervous at first, but it turns out Auckland really isn't so big after all."

She enjoyed the variety of entertainment on offer - bands, plays and restaurants - and said there were "heaps of familiar, friendly faces".

One challenge was learning how to drive in the heavier traffic.

Even with her learner plates on, she had been a victim of road rage and believed everything people said about Auckland drivers was true.

"Everyone tends to ignore the rule 'merge like a zip'. They tend to merge like a button and just pop in wherever they want."

Lloyd was a presenter on Squirt TV from 2003 to 2005 while still in high school.

She was also involved in short-film and theatre productions.

However, her passion lay in the television industry and she had enjoyed the "challenge and steep learning curve" Sticky TV provided.

Receiving positive feedback was one of the best aspects of the show.

"Not only kids, but parents, people my age, people my nana and pop's age, come up and say: `Hey, we love Sticky TV. It's a great show'."

Another was working with "interesting and inspiring young people".

One of her highlights was taking a whirlwind tour of Southland which featured "incredible" weather and "lovely" people.

Despite appearing on television screens herself, Lloyd was star-struck when she met Robyn Malcolm and John Campbell while taking part in TV3's Telethon last year.

Apart from spending time in Dunedin during the holiday break, her plans also included visiting Germany.

"I'm sure everyone thinks I'm crazy, giving up beautiful sunny summer in Auckland for a freezing cold winter in Europe."

But she was looking forward to the "exciting adventure" and "being a Dunedin girl I know how to wear my winter layers".

Sticky TV returns this year.

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