Artwork 'has failed'

The Mosgiel Taieri Community Board is to decide whether it should  remove a picnic table...
The Mosgiel Taieri Community Board is to decide whether it should remove a picnic table installed over these leaf-shaped stepping stones, installed years ago by the Dunedin City Council as a piece of public art, at the corner of Factory and Gordon Rds. Photo by Craig Baxter.
fate of a controversial Mosgiel picnic table remains unresolved as new information on the surrounding artwork comes to light.

Mosgiel Taieri Community Board member Martin Dillon said more paving stones from the Beech Leaf Stepping Stones sculpture were removed than the board initially realised.

When the board made a resolution in May to remove the table so the sculpture could be reinstated, the board believed the sculpture was missing two paving stones.

However, Mr Dillon had discovered another 12 paving stones were removed on the corner of Factory and Gordon Rds for the construction of the toilet block and the beautification of Gordon Rd.

Board chairman Bill Feather stopped further discussion on the table at the board meeting last week until more information was collected.

The new information would be considered at the next meeting.

Governance Support Officer Grace Ockwell said if a member laid a notice of motion before the next board meeting then the option for the table to remain at the site could be considered.

If there was no notice of motion made in 10 working days, then the May resolution for the table to be removed would stand.

Member Maurice Prendergast said the May resolution could have been ''hasty'' and went against the ''mood of the district''.

Earlier at the meeting, Cam Shaw, of Mosgiel, reported results of a survey he instigated.

Of the 200 surveys distributed, 122 were returned and 60% of respondents were unaware of the paving stones in the corner reserve and fewer than 5% knew what the paving stones represented.

''It seems to me that most of the people of Mosgiel don't know about the presence of the paving stones and generally couldn't care less about them. As a piece of artwork, this has failed,'' Mr Shaw said.

About 99% of respondents wanted the table to stay where it was and he urged the board to heed the wishes of the Mosgiel residents and leave the table where it was.

''It isn't broken, so don't fix it.''


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