Artist's wall a real bottler

Tom Taylor and his bottle wall in the Octagon in Dunedin yesterday. Photo by Stephen Jaquiery.
Tom Taylor and his bottle wall in the Octagon in Dunedin yesterday. Photo by Stephen Jaquiery.
Tom Taylor believes his plastic bottle wall, and every message added to it by another member of the public, is making the world a better place.

Mr Taylor is a conceptual artist from Wanganui travelling the country encouraging people to write messages - any message they like at all - place it in a bottle and glue it to a growing wall of similar bottles with messages inside.

At the end of his travels, later this month, Mr Taylor will take all of the messages out (he anticipates he will have about 1200) photograph them and put them back in their bottles.

He hopes to display the messages as an artwork, then store it as a sort of time capsule.

About halfway through the South Island leg of his New Zealand tour, he was finding the wall a great place for people to share their burdens and get things off their chests, he said.

He liked to think of it a "people's art project".

"It's to the people, for the people, by the people."

As a social sculptor, initiating the capacity for such creativity was very much part the goal of the project.

"Everyone has the capacity to be an artist. I am trying to help people sculpt their life work as an art work - help them do something that makes life more valuable, purposeful and meaningful."

Creativity was an opportunity to leave things better than how you found them, he said.

"The goal is to create that creative capacity so we can be responsible for improving our world around us."

Mr Taylor expects to be in Dunedin with his wall again today, weather permitting, and will go to Oamaru, before travelling to Invercargill, Stewart Island and north again, via the West Coast.

He uses bottles from recycling plants.



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