An alternate electricity supply will be provided to many student flats when a scheduled power outage goes ahead this later week.
A spokeswoman for Aurora Energy said two scheduled power outages planned within Dunedin’s student area will go this week but an alternative supply will be provided to some customers.
The first outage is scheduled for Wednesday and 52 customers in George Street, Albany Street and Queen Street will have power cut between 9am and 5pm.
The work is essential make sure that ‘hour of power’ promotions would not result in overloads in the winter months, as sometimes happens.
A full power outage would be required while this work is carried out.
However, the second outage is scheduled for Thursday, and will impact 65 customers in Cumberland, Ellis, Howe and Castle Sts.
An alternative electricity supply would be provided to those customers, apart from a 45-minute outage at the start and end of the day.
Aurora’s customer service team was contacting residents to advise what time the outages will take place.
Where the registered customer was a landlord, they would be asked to pass the information on to their tenants.
The polytechnic and university had also been contacted to help share the word.
Customers were thanked for their patience, the spokeswoman said.