All aboard for Waitati

Photo by Craig Baxter.
Photo by Craig Baxter.
Proving you can never be too old or too young to enjoy train rides, Dunedin rail enthusiast Lawrence Clarke celebrates his 77th birthday by taking his grandchildren Sophie (8) and Sam (11) Clarke, of Christchurch, on the new Dunedin Silver Fern railcar on Saturday.

Mr Clarke said he had been interested in trains since a young age and was happy to share the passion with younger members of his family.

They travelled between Dunedin and Waitati on Saturday afternoon, following the new railcar's earlier trip between Dunedin and Palmerston.

The Dunedin Silver Fern had about 95 seats, half of which were filled on both journeys. It was the first time passengers had been able to ride the new railcar, acquired by Taieri Gorge Railway.

It will be used regularly between Dunedin and Waitati, as well as on other lines, and will be available for charter.


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