Additional carparks get the thumbs up

Parking changes opposed by a former Dunedin mayor have been given the nod by the council’s infrastructure committee.

At yesterday’s meeting, with little discussion, the Dunedin City Council infrastructure committee recommended changes which would result in a net gain of 66 carparks — 39 restricted and 27 unrestricted — across the city.

Cr Lee Vandervis said he was pleased to see new carparks added to Dunedin streets.

"This is a parking changes document that I can vote for," he said.

Twenty-eight of the unrestricted carparks would come from a proposed layout change along Russell St.

Angled parking would replace parallel parking in some parts of the street, which would increase its parking spaces to 65.

Among those who submitted on the proposed changes was Dunedin resident and former mayor Aaron Hawkins, who recommended the proposal be rejected.

He said there was no clear justification for the planned changes and he had safety concerns.

He was one of two people who submitted against the changes — 11 others submitted in support.

The committee also proposed parking changes in Union St, Kaikorai Valley Rd, Rankeilor St and Queens Gardens carpark and recommended six corrections to the traffic and parking bylaw database.

The recommendations will be considered by the council at its next meeting.

