A report outlining how the harm experienced by survivors of abuse should be addressed has been delivered by the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care.
After 15 weeks of public hearings and hundreds of interviews with survivors, the commission this week delivered its interim report, He Purapura Ora, he Mara Tipu — From Redress to Puretumu, to Governor-General Dame Cindy Kiro.
Commission chairwoman Judge Coral Shaw said it was indebted to the hundreds of survivors who had contributed to the work.
"We honour their courage and their strength.
"The harrowing experiences we’ve heard from survivors so far make it crystal clear — we as a country must do better to care for our children, young people and vulnerable adults.
"We need urgent change, to do right for survivors of abuse in care."
The South, and Dunedin in particular, is considered one of the country’s epicentres for child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church.
The report makes findings and recommendations on how the Government and faith-based institutions could address the harm suffered by children, young people and vulnerable adults in the care of state and faith-based institutions.
"We encourage the Government to consider our findings with urgency and act promptly on our recommendations," Judge Shaw said.
The report is expected to be tabled in Parliament mid this month and will be made public following that.
The royal commission is investigating the abuse of children, young people and vulnerable adults within state and faith-based institutions in New Zealand between 1950 and 1999.
It is due to deliver its final report in June 2023.