Last night's winning Lotto Powerball ticket was sold at Windsor On the Spot Express in Port Chalmers.
The big win was made up of $5 million from Powerball and the rest from Lotto First Division.
The other two First Division winners, who each bagged $333,333, were sold via MyLotto online to players in Tauranga and Horowhenua.
The numbers were 6, 12, 5, 24, 26 and 19. The bonus ball was 3 and the Powerball was 9.
It is the second week in a row that a ticket winning more than $5m has been sold in the Dunedin area.
Last week a ticket that won $5.5m was sold at Gardens New World supermarket.
Anyone who bought their ticket from Windsor On the Spot Express in Port Chalmers is being urged to check their numbers in store, on MyLotto, or through the MyLotto App.