Mr Feather said the new clock installed in Anzac Park in Mosgiel about a fortnight ago was displaying inaccurate temperatures.
The new clock from Germany was ''overstating'' temperatures, Mr Feather said.
Some residents had reported the overstatement to be up to 10degC hotter, he said.
Clock supplier Graeme Downes, of Downes Gemtime Jeweller, said the clock was working fine but the temperature-reading probe had been installed incorrectly.
''It is in direct sunlight, so as soon as the sun hits, it gives you an incorrect temperature reading.''
The probe needed to be in the shade.
Stephen White Electrical staff were aware of the probe problem and would fix it within a week. Mosgiel Rotary Club president John Seddon said the German clock cost about $23,000.
The Bendigo Valley Foundation gave a $19,000 grant and the rest of the cost was covered by the Mosgiel Rotary Club.
The original clock had worn out and was leaking, he said.