Team-building the order of the day

First-year Otago University student and Hayward College resident Mitchell Paff takes his eye off...
First-year Otago University student and Hayward College resident Mitchell Paff takes his eye off the ball while playing volleyball against Arana College.
University College resident Yoann Blazy (right) tries to avoid Knox opponent Judge Anderson...
University College resident Yoann Blazy (right) tries to avoid Knox opponent Judge Anderson during a touch game.
First-year Arana College resident Olivia Esposito takes a volleyball serve against Hayward...
First-year Arana College resident Olivia Esposito takes a volleyball serve against Hayward College during the Orientation sports tournament at Logan Park yesterday. Photos by Peter McIntosh.

Putting academic pursuits temporarily to one side, almost 3000 Otago University students donned team colours and cheered themselves into a frenzy at Logan Park yesterday.

The annual Orientation sports day saw about 2800 students compete against college rivals in volleyball, touch rugby, netball and soccer.

Each hall of residence and college accommodation unit rallied lodgers with custom clothing, mascots and chants.

A locals side comprising students of private Dunedin dwellings was organised through the Otago University Students' Association and those living in various flatting situations were also invited to compete.

Otago University director of accommodation services James Lindsay said about 3600 students were invited to take part in the annual tournament, which had an emphasis on team-building rather than victory.

"There are no winners or losers. It's just a fun Orientation event where everybody can take part and it's a good start to the week."

Mr Lindsay said the sports tournament had not changed much in its 15 years.

Barbecue tents, a medical centre and university club and society marquees lined Logan Park from 1.30pm when games began.



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