O Week begins today and is poised to be another huge year, Otago University Students' Association president Paul Hunt says.
The return of students is worth millions to the city, Dunedin Mayor Dave Cull says.
Mr Hunt said this year's O Week had the added attraction of an internationally renowned act.
''We are particularly excited about Empire of the Sun, which is happening on the Thursday evening,'' he said.
''Their performance set up is particularly exciting ... so we would really encourage anyone and everyone who wants to get along ... to do so because it doesn't come around often.''
Otago University Students' Association communications manager Tess Trotter said ticket sales to the events were ''going really well'' and super passes and music passes were sold out.
Individual event tickets were still available and thousands were expected at each of the week's main events.
''We have all of the first years excited,'' she said.
Mr Cull said the city's students were lucky to have organisations such as OUSA and the University of Otago working for them.
''The incoming students are better catered for than they have ever been,'' he said.
''The students' association and university have put a lot of effort into enhancing the offerings of O Week.''
The financial impact and cultural impact of students on the city were positive, he said.
''The return of the students always really lifts the vibrancy and colour and buzz around the place.''
He had a message for them: ''We want you to feel at home and make the city your home, but treat is as you would your home''.
While antisocial behaviour had decreased in recent years, some concern remained.
''There's still some fire lighting which is completely unacceptable but that's not first years that's the second and third years, who should know better,'' he said.
''I'm not sure the excessive behaviour is the responsibility of first year students.''
University of Otago director of student services Karyn Thomson said students should ''make the most of the rich range of activities on offer'' during the week, but must remember their responsibilities.
''Those who are drinking alcohol should remember that too much can lead to poor decision making, so don't overdo it,'' she said.
''Avoid doing anything that you will come to regret in the morning.
''Show others the respect and courtesy you would expect from them.
''If students are concerned about their safety on campus, or about walking home alone, they can call Campus Watch on 479 5000.''
Mr Hunt said he believed in recent years student behaviour had been good and that was a record OUSA was proud of.
''We are acutely aware of the need to ensure people are safe while they are having a good time,'' he said.
''For the last two to three years ... we have a very clean record in terms of health and safety.''
Police will again take a ''zero tolerance approach'' to fire lighting and antisocial behaviour and the University of Otago says students can face fines of $500 or expulsion.
O Week begins with the Town v Gown cricket match on the artificial wicket in Harbour Tce at 12 noon today.
Town v Gown cricket, artificial wicket, Harbour Tce, noon 2pm (free).
Convocation ceremony and Otago University Students' Association variety show, Forsyth Barr Stadium, 7.30pm 9.35pm (free).
Tent City, Otago Museum Reserve, 9am 4pm (free).
Bands at Halls, Unicol, noon 1pm (free).
Union Lawn, including laser tag, mini cricket and live music (free).
Sports Day, Opoho Park, 12.30pm (free).
Toga Party, featuring Summer Thieves, Swaren and Sachi, Forsyth Barr Stadium, 8pm 11pm.
International Expo, Forsyth Barr Stadium, 11am 1pm. (free).
Clubs Day, Union Hall, 10am 4pm. (free). 7 Days live filming, Forsyth Barr Stadium, 6.30pm 10pm.
Recreation Rock Out!, OUSA Recreation Centre, 11am 2pm (free).
Empire of Sun, supported by SWTMXKDS and Sniffers DJs, Forsyth Barr Stadium, 8pm midnight.
Sticky Fingers, and David Dallas and Daylight Robbery, supported by Dudstown Sound System, Forsyth Barr Stadium, 8pm midnight.
International Food Festival, Otago Museum Reserve, noon 3pm (free).
Highlanders v Crusaders, Forsyth Barr Stadium, ko 7.30pm.