Cannabis back on OUSA agenda

Cannabis is likely to resurface as a controversial topic at the next Otago University Students Association Student General Meeting, one of the association's main policy-forming bodies.

In 2000, the OUSA SGM passed a policy motion supporting the decriminalisng of cannabis and, in 2006, the same body passed another motion declaring the Otago campus grounds a cannabis prohibition-free zone.

Association president Harriet Geoghegan says that some of the association's previous external policy is "silly", no longer relevant, does not involve student issues or is too obscure.

Ms Geoghegan moved a motion that all the association's external policy be rescinded, but this was defeated at an SGM meeting on campus, attended by about 200 people.

This motion would have had the effect of rescinding the cannabis policy together with all other association external policy.

A further specific motion to replace the two pro-cannabis motions with a new policy statement: "That OUSA does not condone any actions that breach the laws of New Zealand" was not discussed, and is likely to be considered at the next SGM, at a date yet to be set.

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