New courses to engage pupils

Three tertiary education providers in Otago and Southland will next year train up to 164 senior secondary school pupils who are at risk of becoming disengaged from education or training.

Otago Polytechnic, Telford Rural Polytechnic and the Southern Institute of Technology have been approved to deliver Youth Guarantee programmes next year to 2000 16 and 17-year-olds who are ready to move beyond school, but who still want to study and learn practical skills.

Another 2000 places will be available in 2011, and the Government has set aside $52.7 million to fund the programmes for the next two years.

The three tertiary education providers in the southern region are among 28 nationwide given Government approval to run the programmes.

Tertiary Education Minister Anne Tolley said the programme would provide pupils with an opportunity to participate in a range of vocational programmes, including courses in tourism and travel, agriculture, building, plumbing, hospitality and catering.

All courses would be free of charge.

"I'm delighted to see so much interest in this programme. The Youth Guarantee will give students, who are more motivated in non-school settings, an opportunity to re-engage with learning and gain skills for future employment."

Mrs Tolley said Youth Guarantee was a key part of Prime Minister John Key's Jobs Summit earlier this year and places were allocated to regions most in need, based on the number of unemployed young people in the population and high-quality proposals.

Otago Secondary Principals Association chairman Philip Craigie welcomed the programme.

"There are some kids who are past their use by date in schools and we struggle to keep them engaged in meaningful education.

"Anything that helps disaffected people to get meaningful employment, I'm grateful for," he said.

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